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Alash ORDA

Alash Orda was a Kazakh nationalist political movement that emerged in the early 20th century. It was founded in 1917 as a response to the collapse of the Russian Empire and aimed to establish an autonomous Kazakh state within a federated Russian republic. The movement was led by a group of intellectuals and activists, including Akhmet Baitursynov, Mirjaqip Dulatov, and Alikhan Bokeikhanov.

In 1918, Alash Orda declared the autonomy of the Kazakh territory and established a government with its capital in Orenburg. However, this government was short-lived, as the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia and forcibly incorporated the Kazakh territory into the Soviet Union.

Despite its short existence, Alash Orda played an important role in the development of Kazakh national consciousness and identity. Its leaders promoted the use of the Kazakh language, culture, and history and worked to unify the Kazakh people across regional and tribal divisions. Today, Alash Orda is remembered as a symbol of Kazakh national pride and the struggle for independence.


  • #AlashOrda
  • #KazakhIndependence
  • #KazakhHistory
  • #KazakhNationalism
  • #KazakhstanHistory
  • #AkhmetBaitursynov
  • #MirjaqipDulatov
  • #AlikhanBokeikhanov
  • #KazakhCulture
  • #KazakhIdentity
  • #KazakhHeritage
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